Irrelevance and innovation
It's too easy to kick poo on some people or organizations. Even people who are working to transform education to make it more responsive, accountable and effective for all, and who never give up. But no, I am NOT talking about UNICEF, although I am talking about others of my clients. The problem IMHO with education is that it is an system, and a complex one. Like most complex systems the education system resists change. One of my colleagues, working for the same clients, says that in his experience the point of the education system is to resist innovation. And who wants that? Well, some teachers do, as they believe that the kids they teach will not themselves change -- they'll still talk too much, or be too shy, or not do their homework, or whatever.
But when kids go from using digital devices all the time outside of school to being denied that ability as soon as they set foot in the clasroom, we have a problem. The classroom has become irrelevant. And there we are.
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